Having expierence with baby animals and the time on hand, I willingly took them and have been rehabilitating them back to health. Once they are old enough or about 8-9 weeks, I will be releasing them back into the woods just feet from the garage they were found next to. The faint blue on the front bunny rabbits wick, is completely harmless, recommended to make sure they get fed equally and it helps to tell them apart.
When Blue and Jumper were found they were about 5-6 days old completely furry, with eyes closed and ears back, seldomly moving. Now they are getting stronger, standing up, pushing with their feet, reaching their neck out to look for the other one or food. They are just growing up so fast, the first night I had them I was so worried they wouldnt make it, so many dont, but these little guys are tough as nails and cute as buttons.
For right now I am the only one that comes in contact with them, because they are wild animals they need a quiet area with really no human interaction except feedings. When they are released into the wild they should have no interest in myself or others but just hop into the woods to grow up, sad for me but its whats right for them. I probably will cry.
If you find a wild baby bunny nest it is actually best for them to leave the nest alone. When worried about the mother being gone or killed, take two twigs and make an X untop of the covered nest and if in 4-7 hours the twigs are disturbed the mother is near by and they will be perfectly fine. The mother stays away from the nest to keep predators at bay.
Oh my goodness! So adorable! I could never nurse something and then release it into the wild, it would kill me!
ReplyDeleteWe should definitely do a meet up, I think that would be fun!
I am such a cry baby when it comes to animals so its going to be hard but deep down I know its the right thing.
ReplyDeleteIt will be a ton of fun, I am looking forward to planning it.
OMG such beautiful bunnies! I love baby animals.
ReplyDeleteExcept snakes. I have to draw the line somewhere.
BTW I regularly go out to Irvine with my husband on business so I thought that it was kinda neat that you're from Long Beach. Small world, small world :)
ReplyDeleteOh what adorable little bunnies!!
Oh how wonderful that you were able to help, so generous of you, I know it is a lot of work having hand fed some babies myself. Since you are handfeeding are you worried they'll be too friendly? If so you could always release at a wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary if you have one nearby (we do and I have...)Best of luck with them and a thanks from me for being their savior! Makes me smile!
ReplyDeleteMarie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Oh way to go. You are doing a great job, I know it will be tough letting them go.
those bunnies are so cute, i'm sure it wil be hard to let them go
ReplyDeleteOh my god they are so cute! They are tiny! So lovely of you to do this - make sure you post some more pictures before you have to let them go! :) x
ReplyDeleteLemondrop Marie- Thank you for such kind and thoughtful words. So far they are very timid of people, but I do worry that they might get to used to human contact. I am going to try to let them go in the woods where I found them, but if I find that to be a threat or if they do not want to run away from me I will make sure to find a sanctuary for them. Again thank you for the advice and kind words.
ReplyDeleteDustjacket Attic- Thank you so very kindly!
Frock Around the Clock- I will promise! They grow a little bit each day its hard to not want to take pics all the time. Today they look even more like bunnies and less like hamsters. More pictures soon!
Bless your heart, precious dear, you are so sweet, thoughtful and caring. I'm sure you're the best bunny foster mom these darling wee ones could ever have!
ReplyDeleteTons of hugs to all of you! :)
♥ Jessica
I have found a baby bunny it's back legs are messed up what do i do?